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Preferred Method of CommunicationsOur main source and preferred method of communication is through EMAIL & TEXT messaging. Email Office: Text Office Mobile: 802-877-8181
TKO Phone Numbers & Directory1) TKO main business phone number: (802)440-1400 (Directory) - VOICE CALLS ONLY - Call forwarded to office staff with automated service options. 2) Office Manager direct number: (802)877-8181 (Heather H) - TEXT & VOICE CALLS RECEIVED (Text Preferred). - Call forwarded to office managers direct line. - Instructed to leave a detailed message with name, address, email, phone and reason for the call. Contact the office manager for invoices & payments, for scheduling, work requests, and project documentations such as estimate & work agreements. 3) Office Assistants direct number: (802)265-0132 (Lisa C) - TEXT & VOICE CALLS RECEIVED (Text Preferred). Contact our office assistant for work requests, scheduling, relay messages, marketing and sales calls, 4) Contractor's direct number: (802)440-0660 (Thomas S) - TEXT & VOICE CALLS RECEIVED (Text Preferred). - For current clients & project communications. - Please contact the office for anything not directly related to the work of the project.
TKO Team Email DirectoryOffice Manager, CFO (Heather H): Contractor, CEO (Thomas S): Office Assistant (Lisa C): Email all team members: Email all office staff: For Particular Services use the following emails: Employment: Customer Service: New Work Inquiry: Billing & Payments:
Is there a Client portal?TKO offers a client portal for all signed and current projects. Log-in information is sent by email to the email address associated with the project. TKO's Client portal can be accessed on our website, under the header (Resources).
TKO Construction & Roofing LLC is registered to provide services in the following area's.Vermont New York (Excluding NY-NY) Rhode Island (ID#: GC-49730) Connecticut New Hampshire NOTE: TKO Construction & Roofing LLC resides in Poultney, VT. Higher rates may apply for projects not within a 50 mile radius. An initial assessment fee must be implemented for work requests outside the 50-mile radius (for fuel & travel costs).
What services does your company provide?We provide custom residential and small commercial roof replacements, roof repairs, and new roof installations, we provide custom building and framing, of single and multi-family homes, offices, small building, condos, garages, decks, barns, pole barns, in addition to seamless gutters, gutter covers and metal fabrication. Please check out our Services Page for more details.
What is an onsite initial project assessments?An initial assessment is required with every new work request. A member of our team will contact the requester to schedule the initial assessment (usually within 30 days from request date). Assessments are performed by our Company's Contractor and are most often scheduled later in the work day when the Contractor is available. The presence of the property owner or project manager is usually requested for the initial assessment. The initial assessment is used as a starting point to establish an Client / Contractor relationship. This allows for an open dialogue providing the Contractor with a better understanding of Client's vision and the overall project requirements. A complete and through walk through shall be performed of the property and dwelling. Inside access may be warranty depending on the needs of the project. The Contractor is there to get a complete visual of the property, assess any damage or leaks, and to take physical measurements. Photograph's shall be taken the property, landscape, surrounding areas', the actual home or building, and the area the work will be performed. It is important that the Contractor is informed of all known back repairs and prior work done to the property.
What is the difference between an Assessment and an Inspection?A project assessent is performed by our Roofing Contractor after we receive your initial service inquirry. Assessment's are usually free as long as the location of the project is within a fifty mile radious of our business stationed in Poultney VT. An assessment is completing a visual walk through of the project with the Client to review problem areas and the reasons for the service request. Our goal is to determine the best course of action for the Client's project needs. A professional roof inspection examines and documents all roofing components. An roofing inspection check list is utilized while performing a roof inspection to check for signs of damage throughout the ceiling and walls, evaluate structural support, and assess roofing material. Expect it to include an interior inspection, material inspection, structural inspection, and workmanship inspection. Fully documented roof inspections can cost anywhere from $250-$600 depending on the location of the roof, how far it is from Poultney VT, roof size, the complexity of the roof, and how assessable the roof is for our Contractor to access from the outside of your home and from the inside. An estimated inspection cost will be provided prior to completing the roof inspection. Payment will be due at the date of the scheduled roof inspection. All roof inspection documents, checklists, as well as a full roof report will be emailed to you within two weeks of the scheduled roof inspection.
How to prepare for a new construction or roofing project.Create a budget for the project to share with the Contractor. Formulize three separate lists by answering these questions; - What work needs to be done - What work you would like to have done - What is the end goal 3. Research the towns zoning and permit requirements, find out if there are any policies in place for having roofing and construction work done within the town, and the policy for noise ordinances. Its important to know if any permits need to be pulled or if a project should be registered with the town in addition to the costs prior to formulizing an estimate. 4. Research the different options available for the work your looking to have done. The different materials & manufacturers available and the pros and cons of each. 5. Do an online search of the Contractor your thinking of hiring especially before signing any documents with them. You want to make sure that you are working with the right Contractor, one that knows what they are doing and takes pride in their reputation. Remember cheaper isn't always better, in the roofing and construction field you get what you pay for. Which could end up just costing you more in the end. 6. Know what to expect going into the project; what to expect before, during and after the projects completed.
What information is required for an estimate?It is the responsibility of the Client to research back history of the property, to contact their state and local office officials of the residing town and state to determine permits requirement and permit codes. In the event permits are needed, the client will be required to know what permits need to be pulled, the permit code the work will fall under, and the details of the zoning area the property is located within. Its vital to know if its on state and town owned or leased land, if the property is located within a historical area, coastal and flood zoning areas, commercial or residential, and the local communities noise ordinances, and any policies that are currently in place. It is the Clients responsibility to relay all researched information to the Contractor. It is also the responsibility of the Client cover all financial costs associated with project filling and work permits.
Why is a project budget so important.Setting a project budget allows for complete transparency between a Client and Contractor. Knowing the projects budget allows the Contactor to deterine which solutions are available within that price point. It gives the Contractor a better idea of how to meet the clients needs while staying within budget. A budget provides the client with the right expectations for the estimate, preventing them from being caught off guard. It can also reduce costs and prevent the headache of unnecessary meetings and paperwork. A budget allows the Contractor to help the Client. Enabling the Contractor to financially strategize a solution and formulize a projects path right out of the gate.
How to prepare for your roof replacement.Download or open to view our 'Roof Preparation Check List'.
What should be expected when hiring a Roofing Contractor?Please refer to the follow link from 'McElroy Metals' for a full detailed summary of what one can expect throughout the entire process of hiring a roofing contractor. Starting from the initial assessment to the completion of the project.
What to expect and how to prepare a new roof.Review the attached (Roof Prep-List) document provided for an overview of what to expect and how to prepare for a new roof.
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